Aaron Rohrer
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Resources and helpful links

Here are some outside resources that you may find helpful. 


Harm Reduction

Harm reduction is an approach that reduces the negative consequences of drug use and promotes the health and dignity of people who use drugs. For more general information about what harm reduction is, why it is important, and how it works, visit:

- The SAMHSA Harm Reduction Page: www.samhsa.gov/find-help/harm-reduction

Some harm reduction services and resources are:

- Syringe service programs: These programs provide sterile syringes and other equipment, overdose prevention and naloxone, testing and treatment for hepatitis C and HIV, and linkage to other services. For a list of syringe service programs in California and the San Francisco Bay Area, visit:

    * The California Department of Public Health Syringe Exchange Program Directory: www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DOA/Pages/OA_prev_syringe.aspx

- Fentanyl test strips: These are tools that detect fentanyl in a drug sample, which can help reduce the risk of overdose. Order online from:

    * DanceSafe: www.dancesafe.org
    * NEXT Distro: www.nextdistro.org

- Medication for opioid use disorder: These are medications that help people with opioid addiction reduce or stop their opioid use and lower the risk of overdose and death. Access through:

    * The California Hub and Spoke System: www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/MH/Pages/HubandSpoke.aspx
    * The Buprenorphine Hotline: 1-844-682-7215

- Supervised consumption services: These are facilities where people can use drugs under supervision and get referrals to other services. Learn more from:

    * The Safer Inside Campaign: www.saferinside.org
    * The Oakland Safe Consumption Site Working Group: oaklandsccwg@gmail.com

Mental Health


  • NAMI California: This is the state organization of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, which is a grassroots mental health advocacy group that provides support, education and advocacy for individuals and families impacted by mental illness. https://namica.org

  • Mental Health Association: This is a non-profit organization that provides leadership in mental health education, advocacy, research and service for the diverse communities of San Francisco. www.mentalhealthsf.org

Domestic Violence

  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 or chat online at thehotline.org

  • The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence: a statewide coalition of domestic violence organizations that offers a map of local hotlines and websites at cpedv.org/domestic-violence-organizations-california

  • The San Francisco Domestic Violence Consortium: a network of 17 domestic violence service agencies that provides crisis intervention, emergency shelter, legal assistance, counseling, and other services. Visit dvcpartners.org or call (415) 864-4722

  • The Community United Against Violence: a program that serves LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic violence, hate violence, or sexual assault, with counseling, advocacy, and support groups. Visit cuav.org or call (415) 333-4357

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